Yes, Cameo provides a 100% replacement guarantee on the quality of materials, the quality of workmanship and the execution of detail.
It varies with each program. Sometimes, we can manufacture locally and the turn-around may be days. In other cases, with complex programs, lead times may be six months.
Yes, Cameo Guild Studios, our creative division, can help you design, execute, and decorate your products as you prepare them for production.
Yes, we can source your product shipped to you in bulk, or individually packaged in printed boxes ready for retail display.
We manufacture all types of gifts, collectibles, novelties, accessories, small appliances, tools, jewelry, promotional items, and soft goods. Please contact us about your product – most likely, we can manufacture it for you.
We do not manufacture any products containing chemicals or liquids (but we can manufacture their empty containers). We do not manufacture shoes, clothing, textiles, or furniture.
Yes. Our factories must customize their production lines and assembly process to manufacture your items. For this reason, we have established a minimum order of $5,000. Please contact us about exceptions.
The safest method of payment for both parties is an irrevocable letter of credit. With a letter of credit, the customer puts the money for the goods in trust with a third party bank at the time the purchase documents are placed. (The customer buys a financial instrument that promises to pay the vendor when certain conditions are met.) The vendor receives payment from the bank when the vendor presents their shipping documents proving that the goods have been produced and delivered to the freight carrier according to the purchase documents. The drawbacks with letters of credit are that the instruments can be costly (bank fees) and the customer ties up their funds for the full term while the goods are being manufactured.
An alternate method of payment that will save bank fees and reduce the amount of money the customer must tie-up would be a 50% deposit (the amount may vary based on which factory we use). In this case, the customer makes a 50% deposit at the time the merchandise is ordered, and pays the balance by wire when Cameo Guild Incorporated presents shipping documents proving that the goods have been produced and delivered to the freight carrier.
We must insist on wire funds transactions, because most factories will not ship the merchandise unless they have been paid in full. (Most third-world countries will not issue the export license without a paid invoice.)
It varies. If you are placing a reorder for product we have previously manufactured, your product may be available to ship in as few as 45 days. If it is a new product, complete with prototyping and custom packaging, it may take upwards of 180 days to complete the cycle.
Products are shipped by boat, boat and train (land-bridge), and by air. It takes an average of 21 days by sea for a container to arrive to the West Coast of the United States from Asia. It takes an average of 30 days for a container to arrive to the East Coast of the United States from Asia. An air shipment can take from 4 to 7 days to arrive on either coast. The faster the transit time, freight charges are more expensive.
That depends. We need to see your product, and your marketing plans. Contact us and tell us a bit more about your product. We may be able to put you in touch with channels of distribution that will purchase your products, and we can help jump-start your business.
It is very difficult for us to sign a NDA. Such a document makes it impossible for us to discuss your product with our factories – and this is why you contacted us in the first place. Your product is protected by copyright and patent laws (and/or their pending status). You are also protected by your written correspondence with us that proves you brought us the idea (and not the other way around). We have been working with companies for more than fifteen years and we have never had an issue with infringement.